Black Lives and Contemplation

© Charles Reynoso

Black Lives & Contemplation is a transformative project fostering a vibrant community for People of Color to explore and deepen their contemplative practices. Launched in fall 2023, this initiative delved into the rich tapestry of Black contemplation through the lives of influential figures. By centering Black experiences, we aimed to illuminate the intersection of Blackness and contemplation, offering pathways to inner peace and understanding. Building on the success of our initial cohorts, we are expanding our offerings to create sacred spaces that empower Black communities. Our project hopes to provide a comprehensive approach to inner well-being and a profound prayer life, which may include bi-weekly online practices, monthly in-person gatherings, and immersive retreats. These experiences offer opportunities for deep reflection, connection, and rejuvenation within a supportive, inclusive environment.

We envision a world where contemplative practices are accessible and transformative for all people, rooted in the wisdom and resilience of the Black experience.

Visit our events page to see Black Lives and Contemplation's latest offerings.

The Center is a space of calm and courage, a community rising to meet the challenges of our global crisis with vast generosity--embodying the unconditional mercy and justice Christ represents, without ever asking its members or those they so joyfully serve to adhere to any particular belief system. ”

– Mirabai Starr, author of Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics