Monthly Soul Space with St. Ethelberga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace

Image by Katie Phillips from Pixabay

Monthly Soul Space with St. Ethelberga's Centre for Reconciliation and Peace

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

7:30am EDT


In these challenging times, it is more important than ever to stay connected and dig deep into our values for the resilience to keep going. Each month we provide an opportunity for our community to gather online for prayer, contemplation, and conversation. People from all faith backgrounds and none are very welcome. 

This month, the Center for Spiritual Imagination in New York who will lead the guided meditation. Register here and please share with others, especially hungry hearts who don’t necessarily find conventional religion appealing.

About the meditation: Our time together will include a guided meditation based on an ancient monastic practice + chant. That will be followed up by a conversation reflecting on our experience. We will meet to immerse ourselves in the ancient practices of meditation, chant, and receptive silence to help us encounter the Divine. Our goal will be to co-create an environment in which it is safe to show up as we are: with our heartbreaks, fears, anxieties, as well as our joys, aspirations, and hopes as we learn to sit with it all until we can be stirred by a sense of the Divine breaking into our midst, stirring us with direction and guidance to hep us show up as a healing presence in the world.

“Just as we are all meant to be contemplatives and to hear the voice of God in our lives, we are all meant to answer God’s call to be His partners in transfiguring the world. This calling, this encounter with God, is always to send us into the midst of human suffering.”— Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Upcoming Events


6:30pm to 7:00pm ET


Join us each week for a 30 minute practice of meditation and contemplative prayer led by our vowed New Monastic members. Click below for more info and details on how to join us online.

Wednesdays, March 12, 19, 26

6:30pm to 7:30pm ET


Monasticism has always been a response to the deep human longing for God. From the desert fathers and mothers of Egypt and Palestine to the monasteries of Europe, it has shaped lives of prayer, simplicity, and service for centuries. But this course isn’t about the monasticism of the past—it’s about new expressions of monasticism emerging today, rooted in the same longing but responding to the unique challenges and possibilities of our time.

Mondays, March 17, 24, 31

7:00pm tp 8:00pm ET


Join our Franciscan Year Novices as we meditate on works of art, using the eyes of our heart to discover God’s revelation in beauty. We will share our experience of the artwork with mutual respect and a desire for holy conversation. 

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